Tuesday, 17 July 2012 20:00

Everyday Foot Care

Nothing is more important than your feet. Walking, running, or even just standing, our feet bear the entire weight of our body on hold us upright. But we often take our feet for granted, and they are often the most overlooked part of ourselves. Neglecting the health of your feet is not only a problem aesthetically, but it can also affect your overall health and wellbeing. However, on the flip side, taking care of your feet, maintaining them every day, and ensuring your feet are healthy and fit are great ways to keep your overall body feeling in top shape.

One of the most important and basic ways we can practice some everyday foot care techniques is through routine hygiene. Washing and drying your feet every day goes a long way in keeping them healthy and looking good. This includes washing between your toes and trimming them routinely. Another piece of daily hygiene involves moisturizing your feet if they feel too dry or if you can see any visible signs of cracks or dryness. However, if you are moisturizing your feet, be sure to avoid using lotion in between your toes, as this may cause fungi or bacteria to develop if the lotion remains there for too long. Not only this, but sometimes your skin will macerate or become too soft if you continually use lotions or moisturizers in this area.

When talking about everyday foot care, it is important to also include shoes and footwear into the mix, as this has just as much effect on your feet as hygiene and cleansing. One of the first, and most important, aspects of proper footwear is choosing the right size. Shoes that are too tight will restrict blood flow and cause pain, while shoes that are too lose will create blisters and other sores. The proper feel of a shoe should be snug and contouring, not too tight and not too lose.
While getting the proper fit is important, avoiding wearing certain shoes excessively will also lead to some good foot health. The two biggest culprits in developing foot problems are high heels and flip flops, neither of which support the feet in a proper manner. Flip flops provide no support for the feet and cause you to walk with a different motion than you would if you were wearing a normal shoe, while high heels will put too much pressure on the toes or heel, depending on the width of the heel, causing pain all throughout your feet.

On top of proper fitting shoes, properly fitting socks is another key aspect in everyday foot care. Socks will absorb moisture and sweat in the summer time to keep them from lying on the feet, which can promote fungi growth. They also keep the feet warm in the winter, protecting your feet from conditions such as frostbite.

It is not hard to properly maintain your feet. Everyday foot care goes a long way in keeping them healthy and looking good, which in turn keeps the overall health of your body up. From proper hygiene to getting the right fit in your shoes, these tips go a long way in helping you care for your feet.

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