Items filtered by date: September 2013

(From left) Rick Lusiak, Allard district manager; Barbie Barnett; Lisa Victorius; Beth Deloria and her husband, Jim, participated in the Chicago Half Marathon on July 21. “Beth goes around the U.S.” running and sharing the message to get back up. She is why I have the brace, which changed my life,” Barnett said. | SubmittedTeacher Barbie Barnett took part in this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon in spite of adversarial circumstances. In 2009, Barnett’s right foot and lower section of her right leg became paralyzed while she was recovering from back surgery.

Barnett suffered from foot drop, a condition that weakens the muscles that move the front part of the foot. With the assistance of an ankle-foot orthotic brace, Barnett eventually learned how to walk again. “My brace helped me gain…mobility and independence” Barnett said about her rehabilitation therapy and participation in the event, hoping to serve as an inspiration to others enduring the same condition.

If you have a need for ankle-foot orthotics, it is highly recommended to seek the care of a podiatrist, like Dr. Howard Hyman of The Podiatry Center, P.C. Dr. Hyman can work with you on treatment options for your foot conditions that might require the use of ankle-foot orthotics.

Ankle Foot Orthotics and What They Do

Usually used for the foot or ankle, orthotics provide support for weakened limbs or help direct the limbs so they may function properly. These orthotics can help strengthen muscles as well as benefitting muscles that need to be loosened or lengthened. Usually the orthoses is designed in a rigid L shape that is contoured to the calf and flesh colored in order to blend with the patient’s appearance.

When are Orthotics Necessary?

Orthotics are prescribed when someone is diagnosed with diseases that affect the musculature such as polio and multiple sclerosis. However, ailments such as arthritis and stroke, or foot conditions that “toe in”, may also require orthotics.

As opposed to metal braces of previous years, modern orthotics have improved tremendously. Many of today’s orthotics are manufactured with lightweight plastics and other advanced materials to provide new levels of support and comfort.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office in Milburn NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot ankle injuries.

Read more on Ankle Foot Orthotics.

Poor CirculationA research study in the American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology suggests a new understanding of why cold feet happen. Scientists pinpointed specific proteins in the blood vessels that cause a reaction when the body is exposed to very low temperatures. The body's normal response to cold is to restrict blood flow to the extremities, but in people with cold feet, the proteins overreact and limit circulation too much, causing overly cold feet and hands.

Cold feet due to poor circulation are a difficult condition to treat. If you are experiencing overly cold feet that you think might be due to poor circulation, you should seek the care of a podiatrist like Dr. Howard Hyman of The Podiatry Center, P.C. Dr. Hyman will give you a thorough examination to determine the cause of your cold feet and recommend appropriate treatment options.

What is Poor Circulation?

Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Plaque buildup or atherosclerosis results from excess calcium and cholesterol in the bloodstream. It usually restricts the amount of blood which flows through the arteries. Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is sometimes caused by inflammation in the blood vessels, known as vasculitis.


Lack of oxygen and oxygen from poor blood circulation restricts muscle growth and development.
It can also cause:

- Muscle pain  
- Numbness in legs
- Cramps
- Skin discoloration
- Weakness
- Slower nail & hair growth
- Stiffness
- Erectile dysfunction

Those who have diabetes and or smoke are at greatest risk for poor circulation, or who are over 50.

For more information please follow the link below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office in Milburn NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot ankle injuries.

Read the Full Article on Poor Circulation in the Feet.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013 21:57

Footballer Incurs Potential Career Ending Injury

Jonathan Brown limps off Gabba pitchJonathan Brown of the Brisbane Lions suffered a foot injury that just might mark the end of his athletic career. The 31 year old forward seems to have torn his plantar fascia and will be visiting a surgeon next week to get a better observation of his injury.

Although Lions coach Michael Voss hopes Brown will play in 2014, Brown himself is unsure. “I just don’t want to go out there and play for the sake of it, or play for the money. I want to go out there and still be able to contribute.” Brown said “If I played my last game, so be it. I can live with that,” Brown told the AFL Footy Show.

Facing such an injury can be daunting, but with proper care returning to sports and activities is not impossible. Receiving treatment from a podiatrist such as Dr. Howard Hyman of The Podiatry Center, P.C. can help you manage your injury as well as provide solutions for how to get back into the sports you enjoy.

Getting Back into Sports after Foot and Ankle Injuries

Sprained ankles are a frustrating and painful ordeal many athletes go through. Recovery from a sprained ankle usually involves the RICE method. This includes:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

In addition, athletes should consider wearing an ankle brace in order to keep the ankle stabilized and alleviate any pain as it heals.

Stress fractures that occur in the foot and ankle come in two types. This includes stable and displaced. Stable stress fractures do not consist of any shifting in bone alignment while displaced stress fractures involve bone ends that do not line up.

Learn more about getting back into sports after foot and ankle injury by following link below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office in Milburn NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot ankle injuries.

Read more on Getting Back into Sports after Foot and Ankle Injuries.


Korean Zombie Chan Sung JungProfessional MMA fighter Chan Sung Jung fractured his orbital bone during the battle against featherweight champion Jose Aldo at UFC 163. Jung, known as The Korean Zombie, was taken down when Aldo kicked the injured area during the fight, following up by Jung with several strikes on the ground for the TKO.

While the official prognosis for Jung’s foot is unknown, his opponent Aldo will actually be out of the cage for the rest of 2013, also suffering a broken foot. Jung, who had a three win streak prior to losing to Aldo, will be meeting with specialists to discuss treatment options for his fracture.

Dealing with a broken foot can be a painful ordeal. However, an injury like this can be managed and taken care of by a podiatrist like Dr. Howard Hyman of The Podiatry Center, P.C. Dr. Hyman can examine your broken foot, determine the severity of your injury, and work with you to provide the appropriate treatment options.

Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A broken foot is caused by one of the bones in the foot ‘breaking’, or fracturing. Bones typically break when the bone is either bended, crushed, or stretched beyond its natural capabilities. Usually the location of the fracture indicates how the break occurred, whether it was through an object, fall, or any other type of injury.

Common Symptoms of Broken Feet:

  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blue (foot)
  • Numbness
  • Cold
  • Misshapen
  • Cuts
  • Deformities

Those who are experiencing any of these symptoms, or suspect that they have a broken foot, should seek medical attention in a center where x-rays can be performed. This is especially urgent if any of the symptoms include numbness, blue coloring, cold feet, cuts, misshapen toes or deformities as these indicate more severe cases.

Treatment for broken bones varies depending on the cause, severity and location. Some will require the use of splints, casts or crutches while others could even involve surgery to repair the broken bones. Personal care includes the use of ice and keeping the foot stabilized and elevated. Trying to keep the foot rested is important as the bones need plenty of time to heal and recover.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office in Milburn NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot ankle injuries.

Read more on Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

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